Ordinateur connecté à Uzzy Check it out !

Take control of your social networks and become the master of the internet.

Uzzy allows you to easily create automation for your Snapchat and twitter accounts. Respond to your tweets automatically according to the weather, the state of your API, tell you by email when you are unfollowed, or put the pictures of cats you receive in your snapchat story, the possibilities are immense!

See examples »

Create your bots in 3 steps :

Choose entries
Like a new mention / DM, a new follower, a news item on an RSS feed or a date ...

Add filters
Is the text in French? Does it contain a landscape image? Is it monday ?

Set up Actions
Tweet the weather, follow a user, snap or send an email ...

Examples :

Notify your followers when you're absent or you changed your account

mentions to
the date is
after 15/08/2015
@{{user.screen_name}} .@BBotMaker is now @UzzyDotMe !

Be informed when you are unfollowed

new unfollow
send an email
to [email protected]
@{{user.screen_name}} unfollowed you !

Tweet snaps containing animals

snapchat on
Your username
The picture represents
the picture

use web APIs

mention to
the text contains
Line T1
{{mentions}} The next tram in the T1 line comes in : {{uzzy|call>web>http://app.tcl.fr/mob_app/appli_mobile/gethorairespoteau/android/REFRESH/32137>DATA>32137>T1A>0>passage1}} !

Schedule daily tweets

It is
9 AM
the weather
in Lyon is Sunny
Good morning Twitter ! today it is {{uzzy|call>temperature>Lyon}}°C, take out your sunglasses !

Transfer your DMs by email

new DM on
Send an email

Questions ? Visit our FAQ section

Our Twitter : @UzzyDotMe

Sign up to our newsletter !

Uzzy is brought to you by photo de @MrPointVirgule @MrPointVirgule and Photo de @MikeScops @MikeScops, two passionate students.